Paranormal Hunting

Paranormal Hunting


10-21-03 - Matt - Well tonight we went and investigated the Ada Witch in Ada township it tooks us much longer to drive up to Ada than we thought it would due to bad directions provided by Mapquest. But when we finally arrived there we could not find the street. We retreated to a gas station, added some gas to our dwindling gas supply, and asked the clerk if he knew where the road was, after a map check we found out that we had already been there. With digital camera and flashlight in hand, and only five minutes until we had to head back we headed to the spot, with the car off and digital camera being held out with window by my insanely long arms we shot about 8 photos. As I sat in the back seat on the way back I started scrolling through the photos on the digital camera. As I came to one of a dark field.. I saw three lights.. 1 of which was a reflection, but two of which seem to be paranormal/ghost "orbs" as I zoomed in it was the pale, white, orbs as seen in many other Paranormal Hunter's photos, meaning for our first hunt, we came out with a successful one photo. For One of Eight photos being good ... I dont think that it was a waste of a trip at all.


Hunters: Ashlee, Nick, Matt, Shaun

Location: Ada Township, Mi


10-29-03 - Matt & Ashlee - , Alrighty, well let us see now. On October 25th we ventured out for once again another Paranormal Hunt. We hit two locations. Location one: We headed out to the woods behind Matt's house and we took some pictures, heard some suspicious sounds, and left. So we decided that we were going to go and check out a Cemetary in Sparta. It turned out that a couple of other G.O.T.H. Members joined us, and we headed out and took some pictures, drove around, and left. As we came back to Ashlee's house and loaded the pictures on the computer we noticed many abnormalities. We found some orbs just as those from Ada, and we found some things that look like dripping blood and a bunch of other stuff. Pictures to come soon!


Hunters: Ashlee, Nick, Matt, Dan, JME

Location: Random Woods, Wyoming, Mi. Random Cemetary, Sparta, Mi



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